Friday, April 30, 2010

Random... ...

My taste for coffee is back... as is my love for American sitcoms. Thanks to my friend Gayatri who has all the seasons of Everybody Loves Raymond, Fraiser and Dharma and Greg. Watching re-runs of these beloved sitcomes takes me back to earlier days [I don;t wish to call them my younger days; what the hell, am still young!!] Which brings me to the fact that I will be turning 27 mid May. I like that number, 'twenty-seven' - 3 years away from the big 'three-O'. But am glad I live in this day and age when it's cool to be thirty. I look forward to it like I have always looked forward to growing a year older. Any jitters I have ever had about turning another year older was always the result of peer-pressure, in the absence of which age does not scare me at all.

Although, I have started realizing that all the noise made about anti-ageing creams isn't too much of a fuss. Yes, your body does become kinda old and rigid. I know 'cause am having an ever tougher time trying to lose weight. Now I'm beginning to broach a subject which is overdone everywhere - on the internet as well as in books which sell like hot cakes... And knowing there are better authorities on how one can work better at these things, I shall let this subject be...

... It was raining today. Absolutely delicious weather for a smoke and coffee. [ummm... my re-found love for coffee...] The rain always makes me feel life is full of possibilities - that I can do what I want to, whatever I feel like... that life will work out the way I want.

I look forward to the new phase of my life in a new city. [Hoping that all goes according to plan...]. Will fill in more soon...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I am at work. I am bored. My Microsoft Office is down and I am handicapped. The internet has lost all its charms... There is nothing that I want to look up... I am filled with ennui. It's interesting how not having things to do at work can actually tire one so much. I'd rather be in a place which has more stuff for me to do... [read interesting stuff]. But you know, that too is a trap...things can be interesting only if you choose for them to be. Like writing or reading this stuff!! LOL

I knew someone who had written a book called 'My Biography of Boredom' - a suitable subject for a discourse. Bertrand Russell too has written extensively on boredom and ways to dissipate it. In true Russell style he's extremely pragmatic about it - doesn't romanticize boredom and raise it to the heights of the existential philosophy like the whole range of European writers who did [read Camus, Kafka and others]. It's beautiful their writing - it's like wallowing in self-pity... a luxury the romanticization of the world and its meaninglessness. But to produce art of/from the meaninglessness itself provides purpose and negates the existentialist enterprise.

There can be no meaninglessness, because human beings will not allow that. Meaninglessness is paradoxical to the human condition. We always have and will, strive to find meanings. Like I am right now trying to find meaning in my condition of not having my Office up and about... it means 'write on your blog'! Well, am doing just that!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I was reviewing my blog - looking at past posts (since they are few in number it doesn't take much time!!) and I wasn't displeased. When it comes to writing on paper or typing on a keyboard, words take on a life and character they never seem to have when spoken. No, am not going to even think about the whole debate in philosophy on the spoekn vs. written language and which is to be privileged over which... I am just going to revel in words - in the tactile sensation they create as I type them... (I've always loved the clickity-clack of the type-writer and keyboard) and the shapes that take form as I press on each key. To be able to play with fonts and choose which font goes with what kind of writing... In my own miniscule way I experience art - personal art, which I create - words which I string together, thoughts which I choose to articulate. No claims to originality here, since I believe there's nothing original in the world anyway. All we can do is come up with new permutations and combinations. But that in itself is, my friend, quite an art!!


Why is it that the best ideas/thoughts/words come to my mind when I'm in the shower or in a cab or walking around, in short when neither a keyboard or a pen is handy!?? This is the cruel joke my mind plays on me... to choose to have my creative juices flowing when I am not in a position to document the little nuggests for posterity - if only for me to take a look at to know and feel that I could/can, did write.

It has been close to a year that I have written on my blog, which is cheesily called 'My World'. But my world already exists - in my living it! But offlate simply living isn't good enough... documentation in ways of photography or writing (read blogging - since gone are the days of hand-written diaries and journals) are imperative. The dictum is no longer "I think - therefore I Am", but "I document - therefore I am".

I feel threatened by my lack of blogging or photographing that I shall fade into oblivion. That I am not making my mark in cyberspace... the privileged space of the present. I have to resurrect my 'being' not in terms of passively existing - but in the sense of the verb - the process of 'being' of 'living' of blogging, photographing, sharing, 'being' on social networks and 'knowing' that I 'am'!!!

Unfortunately or fortunately the force of peer pressure has got the better of me... I will document my life - for that is what I need to do to be in the zeitgeist - to live in and with the spirit of the times. So be it.