Thursday, April 15, 2010


Why is it that the best ideas/thoughts/words come to my mind when I'm in the shower or in a cab or walking around, in short when neither a keyboard or a pen is handy!?? This is the cruel joke my mind plays on me... to choose to have my creative juices flowing when I am not in a position to document the little nuggests for posterity - if only for me to take a look at to know and feel that I could/can, did write.

It has been close to a year that I have written on my blog, which is cheesily called 'My World'. But my world already exists - in my living it! But offlate simply living isn't good enough... documentation in ways of photography or writing (read blogging - since gone are the days of hand-written diaries and journals) are imperative. The dictum is no longer "I think - therefore I Am", but "I document - therefore I am".

I feel threatened by my lack of blogging or photographing that I shall fade into oblivion. That I am not making my mark in cyberspace... the privileged space of the present. I have to resurrect my 'being' not in terms of passively existing - but in the sense of the verb - the process of 'being' of 'living' of blogging, photographing, sharing, 'being' on social networks and 'knowing' that I 'am'!!!

Unfortunately or fortunately the force of peer pressure has got the better of me... I will document my life - for that is what I need to do to be in the zeitgeist - to live in and with the spirit of the times. So be it.

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